Baby born outside London Underground station as passing security guard steps in as emergency midwife

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An astonishing moment of heroics and selflessness

In an incredible act of kindness and quick thinking a security guard stepped in as emergency midwife to help a young mother who started giving birth on her way to the Royal London Hospital.

Abdul Munim Khan, 29, from Shadwell, was on his way to work in the City of London on September 13, when he noticed a woman standing on the pavement in distress opposite Aldgate East Underground station on Commercial Street.

With no one helping, Abdul knew he had to see if she was okay. When he approached the woman she told Abdul she was giving birth but wasn’t sure she could make it to the hospital in time.

The situation became more serious after he was told by an emergency service telephone operator that it would take up to 20 minutes for an ambulance to arrive.

Abdul, who has been a security officer at the Scapel building for over two years, was then told he was going to have to help deliver the baby.

Taking instructions from a paramedic over the phone, Abdul and another member of the public amazingly delivered the baby on the pavement.

When the ambulance arrived, the paramedics cut the umbilical cord and took the woman and her baby to hospital. Before they left, both the woman who had given birth and the paramedics thanked Abdul for his heroic and selfless actions.

After his courageous act Abdul then headed to work and arrived on time to do his 12-hour shift.

Abdul, who works for Axis Security Services Limited, said: “When I think back on what happened, I can’t believe it. I’ve never experienced anything like that before. She was maybe 10 minutes from the Royal London Hospital – I’m glad I was there to help her.

“What was amazing is that when I had finished my shift and was heading home, I saw her just outside the hospital. She called me over and thanked me again – but what was really special is that I was able to meet the baby I had delivered. I also got a short video clip of the mum and her new-born.”

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is the organisation responsible for regulating the private security industry.

Ian Todd, Chief Executive of SIA, said: “It’s important to remember that many in the security industry are working as critical and key workers during this emergency. Abdul’s story is testament to the fact that despite the challenges, many operatives and businesses are going the extra mile to serve their communities.”

For the Original article see here

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