Candlelighters Fundraising Events

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Our Group of companies has been raising money for our partnered charity Candlelighters throughout November and December. We set ourselves a group target of £2,000 and we are delighted to say that not only did we hit that target, but we also exceeded all expectations and raised a total of £3,752.31!

The cheque was presented to Candlelighters at their main office on 19 December 2019 by Charlie. 

York to Wakefield Cycle Ride

Our fundraising activity included numerous events including a Charity Bike ride where 4 of our Team cycled from York Centre to Wakefield. The distance of this cycle was approximately 30 miles. The route was scattered with steep hills and busy roads filled with vehicles on a busy Saturday alongside far from ideal cycling conditions, however, the “Fantastic Four” battled through the elements and completed the ride without any injuries sustained (just a little saddle sore!)

Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge

Another event that we held was the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge. Members of our Team braved the elements and walked the 3 peaks on the first Saturday of December! It was a really tough challenge for all who did the walk but the determination of supporting a really worthwhile cause pushed them through the discomfort to complete the challenge.

Thank you!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who sponsored our Team on the events and donated money during our fundraising. We are truly humbled with the level of support and we simply could not have done it without you.

Looking to the Future

We are really proud to support such a worthwhile charity as Candlelighters. The support they provide to Children and Families of Children that have been diagnosed with Cancer in Yorkshire is truly amazing and a vital service for those in need.

Our support doesn’t stop there though. Alongside the money we have raised during our events, two of our businesses, Platinum Asset Protection and UK Care Secure Transport Services will be donating 2.5% of their annual turnover to the charity.

If you would like to donate to Candlelighters you still can. Simply click on the link below and donate whatever you can afford. Every single penny counts and goes towards the fantastic services Candlelighters provide.

Just Giving

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