GUARDED GOODBYES Security guards hired to monitor grief-stricken mourners at lockdown funerals

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SECURITY guards are manning crematoriums to monitor grief-stricken mourners at funerals.

Relatives are being stopped and quizzed as they arrive and reminded of social distancing rules.

The guards are also verifying the number of mourners in any one group to make sure it is in line with the government’s limit of just 10.

City of York Council said its security provider was “assisting staff” at its crematorium in Bishopthorpe to ensure they could “focus on their important role”.

A spokeswoman said: “They have been providing information on social distancing to families on their arrival and explaining the new access and exit routes, so that families can attend the crematorium safely.”

“They will also support making sure that those families with an outdoor service can pay their respects in private.”

The council sparked outrage earlier this month after they banned funeral services and mourners from the crematorium altogether.

They feared mourners would risk passing on coronavirus to each other and to staff.

They would also be at risk of catching it themselves from other people.

Relatives are now allowed to attend but are not permitted inside the crematorium.

The council spokeswoman added: “Our utmost priority is saving lives, including those of bereaved families, the public and members of staff working in incredibly difficult circumstances.”

For the original article see here

As lockdown restrictions have now started to ease, Frontline Security are aware that there are still rules and social distancing in place especially when it comes to family/public events. In ongoing times like this, security guards are still working hard to make sure people remain safe and stick to the current rules. Contact Frontline Security today to see how our services are able to help you during these difficult times.

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