Apparently Leeds Uni security have Alsatians??
Freshers’ Week 2020 has only just begun, but Leeds Uni is already showing that it won’t tolerate breaches of social distancing. That’s why university security has been breaking up flat parties with the help of a dog squad.
The dog squads in question have been spotted at both James Baillie and Devonshire Halls.
According to the uni’s website, there is a dog handler available for every security shift on campus and dogs routinely accompany security staff on their patrols.
More importantly, we’ve uncovered four of the dogs’ names: Ruby, Reggie, Enzo and Tia.
Aside from the dogs, there’s also been a false rumour going round that security has been using a crane to peak into flats at Tannery Hall.
It turns out that the “crane” in question was, in fact, a fire engine being used in a routine drill at the fire station next door.
Despite the uni’s best efforts, it seems that flat parties are still going on and that students haven’t been put off by the latest measures, which include fines of up to £100 for those deemed to be breaking social distancing regulations in uni accommodation.
The Leeds Tab spoke to one first years who said that students have been flocking from different halls to go to flat parties across campus.
Videos taken at IQ, Liberty Dock and White Rose halls of residences clearly show students having a good time and failing to adhere to social distancing regulations.
A spokesperson from The University of Leeds said: “While the majority of our students act responsibly, we will take action against those found engaging in anti-social behaviour.
“We make students aware of the potential penalties they could receive for breaching the new social gathering laws, which include fines and disciplinary action.
“To help ensure the wider community is supported when it comes to staying safe, we are working in close partnership with other universities, the student unions, Leeds City Council, the police and community groups.
“We also already operate a neighbourhood helpline service to respond to any neighbourhood issues, so anyone experiencing problems can contact us via telephone or email.”
For the original article see here